Instruments For Sale

10 course Renaissance Lute – $2,850

10 course Renaissance Lute by Magno Diffeprochur 1612.This lute is made from locally harvested figured sycamore with an engelmann top ...

7 C Renaissance Lute

This lute is nearing completion and is based on an original lute made by Georg Gerle (Vienna SAM 31). The ...

Renaissance 7 course – $2,500

Based on an original lute made by Georg Gerle (Vienna SAM 31). It has a beautiful back of figured maple ...

Farrier Rasp – $20

Why would you want a Farrier rasp? What is a Farrier anyway? Well, a farrier takes care of trimming and ...

Martin Ukulele

This Martin Ukulele was purchased in Hawaii many years ago by a Navy sailor stationed there. He built a clever ...

Banjo Ukulele – $750

Here is a really nice early 20th century Banjo-Ukulele. It is a Model 5380 Lyon & Healy made by Washburn, ...

8 string Classic Guitar – $1,200

This 8-string guitar was made in 1972. The original top was sitca spruce, the back east indian rosewood, the neck ...