Selected wood properties

Here are some physical properties of a few selected woods.
The values may vary significantly from sample to sample, however you may find it useful to compare “relative” values. You can find more detailed information here: wood-database

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Wood weight
lbf/in2 x 10 6
Ipe 69 3,510 26,660 3.200
 Cocobolo 69 2,960 22,910 2.712
 Mountain mahogany 69 3,200    
 Boxwood 61 2,840 20,960 2.494
 Engelmann Spruce 24 390 9,010 1.369
 Apple 52 1,730 12.800  
 African ebony 57 2,430 22,930 2.949
 Norway spruce 25 380 9,130 1.406
 White willow 25 570 8,150 1.125
 Sitka spruce 27 510 10,150 1.600
 Western hemlock 29 540 11,300 1.630
East Indian rosewood  52  2,440 16,590 1.688
 Poplar 29 540 10,100 1.580
 Black Locust 48 1,700 19,400 2.050
 Box Elder  30 720 8,010 1.050
 Beech 45 1,300 14,900 1.720
 Maple – silver  33 700 8,900 1.140
 Pacific Yew 44 1,600 15,200 1.350
 Sycamore 34 770 10,000 1.420
 Pear 43 1,660 12,080 1.131
 Western larch  36 830 13,000 1.870
 Holly 40 1,020 10,300 1.110
 Alligator Juniper  36 1,160 6,700 0.650
 Black walnut  38 1,010 14,600 1.680
Western red cedar 23 350 7,500 1.110
Port Orford cedar 29 590 12,290 1.646
Olive 62 2,700 22,530 2.577
Myrtle 40 1,270 9,700 1.225
Mesquite, honey 51 2,340
Pau Ferro 54 1,960 17,750 1.574
Bubinga 56 2,410 24,410 2.670
Plum 50 1,500 12,810
Bocote 53 2,010 16,590 1.767
Mahogany Honduran 37 900 11,710 1.458
Mahogany African 40 1,020 13,190 1.537
African Blackwood 79 3,670 30,970 2.603
Yellow Cedar 31 580 11,100 1.420
Redwood 26 450 8,950 1.220
Brazilwood 61 2,820 26,010 2.544
Sapele 42 1,410 15,930 1.746